I don't have any specific plans for summer reading (it's my busiest time of year since the kids are both home!) but I am trying to work my way through a bunch of PB, MG and adult NF books I've bought but not read yet. I'm trying to willpower myself to finish a bunch of those before buying anything new--but it's not easy! 😂

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I hear you on trying to resist buying anything new! I spend a lot of time in bookstores so of course I'm always coming home with something new!

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Jun 24Liked by Christine Evans

I read The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl a few weeks ago. An excellent summer read!

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I have that on hold at the library! I love Ruth Reichl.

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Jun 24Liked by Christine Evans

I hope you love reading it as much as I did!!

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Jun 25Liked by Christine Evans

Thanks for adding to my to-read list. I've had three books on my library hold list for weeks, if not months. 1) THE GUNCLE ABROAD, Steven Rowley's sequel to THE GUNCLE, which was amazing. 2) Emily Ecton's THE GREAT CATNAPPING, her latest in the series that starts with THE GREAT PET HEIST--I'm pretty sure I literally laughed out loud on 90% of that book's pages, so I can't wait to read this one. 3) Kristin O'Donnell Tubbs' FOWL PLAY. I have loved all of Kristin's books, but her last one--THE DECOMPOSITION OF JACK--was brilliant. She is amazing with quirky, off-kilter humor. Pretty sure this next one is going to be great.

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I haven't read the Guncle books yet, I need to put them on my list. And I'm adding The Great Pet Heist too! I'm excited for Kristin's next book too. So basically I need to read everything on your list :D

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I need to finish the Inheritance Games. My goal this summer is to read as much as possible-mostly young adult speculative new releases for Cybils awards, but also a reread of Throne of Glass.

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Sounds like a wonderfully busy summer of reading!

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