Sep 18Liked by Christine Evans

Appreciate this very much. It can be awfully rollercoaster-y and to much of the regular world, having your name on a book is all highs and it’s just not that way

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So rollercoaster-y!

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Just read your post. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability and thoughts about handling difficult news/emotions in your publishing journey. It's oh so relatable, I feel your heart break and your disappointment, and even cynicism... which makes me wish I could give you a hug and allows me to feel seen simultaneously. I hope good news will be on it's way , and I'm glad you addressed your emotional needs first and then gain back your sense of control to write again.

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Thank you, Isabella. I would love to catch up and give each other a hug soon!

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I'm with you and it's good to commiserate with one another every so often! I'll keep writing, too :)

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I'm sorry you know the feeling. So many highs but there are definitely many lows in publishing too. Just keep writing, it's all we can do (and why we started this career in the first place.)

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Sep 16Liked by Christine Evans

I enjoyed your honesty, Christine - and you're so right: the writing itself is the only bit within an author's control! I take the same attitude in bad or frustrating moments. It's a self-preservation mechanism too, I think.

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Thanks, Simon. It made me feel better to write the post and I'm so heartened by everyone's lovely comments.

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Sending hugs to you and Laura re: your books!! I'm hopeful things will resolve quickly and fairly. Thank you for sharing all of this and wishing you all the best, Christine!

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Thank you for the hugs, Shirley! Real hugs very soon!

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I am published by Kane Press too- or at least, I used to be, as you pointed out. Fortunately my first book is out and my second is on its way from the printer, so I escaped the worst of it. But who knows what the future will hold? I hope your book finds a home if it never crossed the finish line.

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I'm sorry you're in the same boat with Kane Press. I'm hoping we have more clarity soon.

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Me too!

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Sep 16Liked by Christine Evans

Thanks for sharing Christine <3 It's tough out there!

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It certainly is! But hopefully there are some lighter moments around the corner.

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Yep! I'm hoping for some better news soon!

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