GREAT review of NCTE, Vicky. My first NCTE was in 2019 and what you described was exactly how it went down for me that year - this time, I did go through the entire schedule of sessions and managed to attend 3 of the keynotes (Jackie Woodson, Tom Hanks, and Angie Thomas) and several of the author/illustrator/educator panels - plus my own panel (which was one of 3 proposals I was on but the only one that was accepted) and my signing. And as you mention, the highlight is definitely getting to hug kid lit folks (like you!), plus connect with teachers.
Thanks for the transparency on funding. It all feels a bit mysterious who gets funded for what. Head scratcher that your flight was funded but registration wasn’t? Anyway, it was fun being your fellow Scholastic author!
Yes! I've actually heard that registration is the easiest thing to get funded by a publisher, but none of mine offered to cover mine! But I definitely appreciated the flight coverage. And yes, so nice to connect with you! ♥️
Thank you, Vicky! There have been so many questions floating around about NCTE - lots of FOMO. This is exactly what we need to hear - a peek behind the curtain! :)
Thanks for the summary! So glad you had a blast!
Thanks! Wish you had made it out!
Thx. Hopefully, some day in the future. :-)
GREAT review of NCTE, Vicky. My first NCTE was in 2019 and what you described was exactly how it went down for me that year - this time, I did go through the entire schedule of sessions and managed to attend 3 of the keynotes (Jackie Woodson, Tom Hanks, and Angie Thomas) and several of the author/illustrator/educator panels - plus my own panel (which was one of 3 proposals I was on but the only one that was accepted) and my signing. And as you mention, the highlight is definitely getting to hug kid lit folks (like you!), plus connect with teachers.
Wow, well done! So glad I got to see you ever so briefly!
Thanks for the transparency on funding. It all feels a bit mysterious who gets funded for what. Head scratcher that your flight was funded but registration wasn’t? Anyway, it was fun being your fellow Scholastic author!
Yes! I've actually heard that registration is the easiest thing to get funded by a publisher, but none of mine offered to cover mine! But I definitely appreciated the flight coverage. And yes, so nice to connect with you! ♥️
Yeah, for me I only got my registration covered! But it was all worth it for every reason you mentioned.
Thank you, Vicky! There have been so many questions floating around about NCTE - lots of FOMO. This is exactly what we need to hear - a peek behind the curtain! :)
Yay, so glad it was helpful!
I enjoyed this so much. I’ve never been. I’ve never even heard of it!
It's a ton of fun! But also overwhelming. Bring a wingperson. Maybe we'll go together some day!